Was a position in the order accidentally added or confused? Did you see any damage to the goods when checking the parcel upon receipt? Tell us about the problem, and we will help you quickly solve it.
If you find a defect after receiving the order, then briefly describe the situation, attach a photo or video of the product that you purchased from our online store and would like to return or exchange by sending an email to cs@englishhome.ua
To use this feature, please ensure that:
- - goods from the section Accessories or Kitchen;
- - the product was not in use and has no traces of use: scratches, scuffs, dirt, etc., the product is fully equipped and the integrity of the package is not compromised;
- - All labels and factory markings are saved.
The list of goods of good quality, which cannot be exchanged and returned, was approved by Resolution No. 172 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On the implementation of certain provisions of the Law of Ukraine“ On Consumer Rights Protection ”.
List of goods not subject to return / exchange:
- - Sanitary objects (combs, toothbrushes, brushes, towels);
- - perfumery and cosmetic products;
- - feather-down products;
- - lace and lacy canvases;
- - Kids toys;
- - bed linen (duvet covers, sheets, pillowcases, sets of linen, pique sheets);
- - underwear (bra, underwear, T-shirts, pajamas, nightgowns, bathrobes, etc.);
- - baby products;
- - hosiery.
If your product is of good quality from the list above, we unfortunately will not be able to issue an exchange or refund.
Exchange or return online store English Home
To exchange or return goods from other groups that are not included in the list of goods not subject to return / exchange, make sure that all conditions for the return (exchange) procedure are met (according to the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights"):
- - goods not used, not erased, not damaged;
- - factory packaging retained the presentation;
- - saved all checks and labels;
- - return shipping is paid by the buyer;
- - a completed application for return.
We will exchange the purchased item or refund in the following cases:
Manufacturing defects
If you find a marriage, inform us and do not use this product. In the presence of identical, we will exchange the defective goods without any questions for several days. Or refund if this product is not in stock.
In accordance with the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the buyer must pay for the delivery of the goods. But in the case of marriage, we will bear the cost of delivering the goods in one direction.
Error on our part
If you receive a product that does not match the order, immediately inform us. You are kindly requested not to open the package or use such a product.
If possible, we will exchange the goods or refund money. All the costs for shipping in this case, we will assume.
To return or exchange, contact the manager of the online store English Home. Phone numbers you can find in the "Contacts".
Warning! Products purchased in the online store can not be returned to offline stores.
Exchange or refund in English Home Retail Stores
Exchange or refund in English Home Retail Stores
To exchange or return goods from other groups that are not included in the list of goods not subject to return / exchange, make sure that all conditions for the return (exchange) procedure are met (according to the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights"):
- - the presence of the original fiscal receipt (and terminal check - in the case of cashless payments in the store);
- - Compliance with the deadline for return (14 days from the next day from the day of purchase);
- - availability of a completed application and identity document (application form will be provided in the store);
- - preservation of the presentation, packaging, seals, labels. (The product was not used and was not subjected to washing, other processing).