
Slippers Plastic

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Fancy Beach slippers 37 %50 Discount
Fancy Beach slippers 35/36 %60 Discount
Dolphin Children's slippers 26-27 %50 Discount
Alice Terlik Slippers 36 %70 Discount
Sandy Terlik Beach slippers 36 %70 Discount
Sandy Beach slippers 36 %60 Discount
Sandy Beach slippers 36 %60 Discount
Alice Beach slippers 37 %60 Discount


A seemingly insignificant detail, such as slippers, helps to create a feeling of home and a real cozy atmosphere. You surely use this accessory: when you come home in the evening, you wear soft slippers to feel the warmth and tenderness. It is the slippers for the home that allow you to feel the real comfort of the home.

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