
Bed Covers

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Fresh Blossom Bed cover 160х220 cm %60 Discount
Modern Art Bed cover 200х220 cm %60 Discount
Essence Bed cover 160х240 cm %75 Discount
Sailors Stripe Bed cover 160х220 cm %60 Discount
Folk Art Bed cover 160х220 cm %60 Discount

Harmony on the bed

Each mistress strives to create a harmonious interior in her bedroom. And to achieve this goal can not do without a good blanket, which not only hides the kind of bed linen, protects it from pollution and burnout in the summer, but also spectacularly decorates a bed or sofa - this hardware will turn into a real masterpiece. The main thing is to choose a blanket with the most appropriate color, print, then it will become an organic addition to the furniture and substantially ennobles any room.

Advantages of using covers

With a beautifully decorated blanket, even the most usual double bedroom will turn into a place worthy of attention of the kings.

If necessary, the cover on the bed or the blanket on the sofa can be used as a blanket, especially if it is made of pleasant to the touch of fabrics. A great option for covering is a quilted fabric that is made up of two pieces with a special filler in the middle. As filler, synthetic fibers or wool are most often used. Coverings, made of natural wool, are more expensive than those in which artificial materials are used.

Which blanket to give preference

You can, of course, buy an inexpensive blanket on the bed, but it is better to stop choosing more expensive samples, since cheap products are of dubious quality, wear out quickly and lose their original presentable appearance after the first wash. Well, the cover has been used for more than one year and it looks spectacular.

Before purchasing, carefully inspect it, so as not to get defective, that is, with uneven seams, protruding threads, deformed edges.

Excellent collection of curtains in English Home

Today, to buy a blanket really not only in the stationary store, but also on a specialized web-resource, which provides a wider range of data products. In particular, in the online store English Home there is a huge collection of stylish and quality covers of different sizes and colors. Every potential buyer will definitely find something suitable for himself. The price of the blanket on the bed is quite loyal to us, so you can buy two at once, and even three samples - for replacement.

If the required bedding attribute is not found in the catalogs English Home - do not be disturbed: it is specially for you to order a bed cover that will meet all your needs and wishes.

Of the goods presented in our online store - beautiful natural, which are distinguished by good air permeability and moisture absorption.

True, they are less resistant to wear than synthetic.

For a bedroom, in which you like to spend your free time, and not just sleep, the quilted or fur coat is great. These variants are equally pleasant to the touch and extremely comfortable.

If you decide to make a nice gift for a friend, mom or a good friend, pay attention to tapestry blankets - a chic selection for the arrangement of a bedroom or living room.

Since tapestries differ in the breadth of colors and textures, among their assortment there will surely be products that are most consistent with all the aesthetic and functional requests of any mistress.

When choosing the design of the cover, it is necessary to focus on the general interior of the room in which you plan to use the product: the color of the walls, lighting, decorating elements - everything matters if you want to buy a blanket that fits organically and looks harmoniously in the background. Pay attention to the main regularity: for small rooms suitable coverings of light shades, and for large ones - bright, with patterns. Always remember that the overall interior of the room is determined by the coherence of its component parts and, choosing these trivia, act deliberately, seriously and discreetly.

Beauty and comfort in your home!

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