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Cozy Blanket 120х170 cm %75 Discount
Cozy Blanket 120х170 cm %75 Discount
Glance Blanket 150х200 cm %75 Discount
Shiny Striped Blanket 150х200 cm %75 Discount
Glance Blanket 200х220 cm %75 Discount
Spread Blanket 200х220 cm %75 Discount
Softy Blanket 120х170 cm %70 Discount
Eskimo Blanket 150х200 cm %50 Discount
Cozy Blanket 120х170 cm %75 Discount
Enjoy Blanket 130х170 cm %70 Discount
Cozy Wellsoft Blanket 120х170 cm %60 Discount
Magnet Blanket 150х200 cm %75 Discount
Florette Blanket 200х220 cm %75 Discount
Sparkly Simli Blanket 150х200 cm %70 Discount
Plaid Blanket 150х200 cm %75 Discount
Cozy Blanket 120х170 cm %75 Discount
Cozy Blanket 120х170 cm %75 Discount
Furry Blanket 115х160 cm %70 Discount
Comfort Plaid Blanket 120х170 cm %75 Discount
Comfort Plaid Blanket 120х170 cm %75 Discount
Plain Check Blanket 200х220 cm %75 Discount
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Happiness is possible - under a warm blanket

The palm for many of us is associated with comfort, warmth and true happiness, because only he - soft and tender, warm and so familiar - provides an atmosphere of complete peace of mind and with nothing harmonious harmony, especially in the cold winter and autumn times. Add here a quiet crackling of firewood in the fireplace, a cup of hot, fragrant cocoa - and even dream of a great pleasure you do not want. That is why it is so important to prepare in advance for future colds, in particular to buy a blanket.

Chic Blanket English Home

Currently, a wide range of these products is presented in stationary stores, but it is much more convenient to look for the right product in the catalogs of online stores.

We strongly recommend that you study the offers in English Home: there are elegant blankets with original colors. Today you can not only buy a finished product, but also order a blanket in Kiev, naming your basic requirements for its size, shape, color.

In order to buy a product, it will be enough to add a product that you like in the virtual basket and wait for a call from our manager, who, after specifying the details of the purchase, will organize the prompt delivery of the blanket at the specified address.

The history of plaids began in Scotland in the eighteenth century, where they were used as clothing, and later as a road blanket. Over the years, the functional purpose of this thing has undergone a significant transformation: today rugs are decorated with bedspreads and bedrooms, they warm up and improve the mood for dear people. Remove the camel blanket from the wardrobe and wrap it up with your loved one - see how appealing and relaxed your expression was?

Types of blanket

The huge range of pillows presented in the modern market sometimes make us break our head over the choice of the right instance that will fit our requirements and requests as much as possible. To simplify the task of choosing a blanket, you need to remember that they come in several types:

  • home (warm and soft, they are used for bedding, a sofa, for decoration of large armchairs, and also - cover in the cold time);
  • road (characterized by a high level of dirt repulsion, dust impermeability, which is important for maintaining the product in its pure form during operation, even in the most unsafe conditions);
  • blanket for picnics (density and durability - the main characteristics of such a product);
  • children's (much better than wool blankets).

If you want to buy a cheap blanket, so that you can put it on a sofa every day, you can stop choosing on the road - it will be a reliable service for many years. And let the cost of such a blanket do not repel you, since the money spent on his purchase will eventually be fully justified.

To cover, take a knitted or fleece, because the blankets made of these materials are soft and delicate. They also warm well. And knitting will serve as an excellent decorative element for any interior: even a modest bachelor bedroom will find a unique comfort, if it uses such a blanket of manual work.

By the way, the prices for blankets - a separate issue that is worth discussing: they can range from very low (100-200 hryvnia per copy) to significant (1000-2000 hryvnia and more expensive). In the online store English Home are not quite cheap, but by purchasing a blanket here, you're sure to get high-quality, durable, durable products.

To make the blanket long glad you chic look, try to adhere to some rules of care for it, namely: use only a delicate mode at his washing, do not overdo it with a spin, dry in the natural environment.

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